12U Program
Updated 2/20/25
Thank you for your interest in the Top Gun 12U program. The registration window for the 12U SPRING season is now open! The season will begin the week of March 9, 2025 and end the weekend of June 1, 2025.
How do I register?
- Print and complete registration forms which will be available here: https://topgunvbc.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/2025TopGun12USpringRegistration-1.pdf
- Secure AAU Membership (see below for instructions)
- Mail completed forms with AAU Membership and initial minimum payment of $325.00 (full payment also accepted) to the address listed on registration form.
- Optional: Email [email protected] with your daughter’s name, grade and school to hold your spot. You then have seven days to complete the registration process.
How are the teams selected?
The 12U Program* is a first come, first served registration process. All 12U athletes will practice and train together. Separate teams will then be created by coaches based on current level/ability for tournaments to maximize the experience for everyone. This allows each athlete to be challenged appropriately according to her ability, while still learning and developing skills and knowledge of the game. Tournament teams will not be determined with regard to friends, schools or carpooling purposes and may change slightly with each tournament. Our maximum is 24 participants.
*Athletes must be born on or after JULY 1, 2012 to participate in this program.
When and where are the practices?
Practices will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:30 – 7:30pm at the Howell Freshman Campus starting Tuesday, March 11, 2025.
What if my daughter is young, but in a higher grade?
A very small number of athletes fall under the category of being in a higher grade academically, yet qualifying for a younger age group. If your daughter falls under the 12U age group but is in 7th grade, she may tryout for the 13U program. Please see the tryout page for all the necessary information.
Does my daughter need to attend ALL practices?
A most resounding YES!Attendance at all practices and tournaments is necessary and expected. In fairness to all involved, missing practices for any reason, including but not limited to illness, homework, family vacations or other sports/activities, WILL affect playtime opportunities. Please think carefully if your schedule allows for this type of commitment and dedication. Volleyball is a team sport, with teammates needing to get work together and learn with and from each other often. Important material is covered during each and every practice and new information is added frequently, therefore, we do not recommend those with conflicting schedules play Top Gun because of this extremely important factor. Be committed to your team, practice and tournament schedule if you play!
What if my daughter plays another sport?
Top Gun believes that every athlete should have the opportunity to represent their school, and every effort is made to accommodate athletes wishing to participate in other activities for their school. As stated previously, however, volleyball is a team sport and attendance to practices is crucial. A case-by-case study of the situation is usually best to insure fairness to everyone involved. Extra curricular activities outside of school are not as easily accommodated. It is important for an athlete to be committed to her team and practice/tournament schedule. Missed practices will affect playtime.

When and where are the tournaments held?
There will be three one -day tournaments (full day events generally within a 1 – 1 ½ hour drive or less from the Howell/Brighton area) AND the two-day MJVBA Championships in Grand Rapids. Tentative tournament schedule includes Sat 4/12, Sun 5/4, Sat 5/17 and Sat/Sun 5/31-6/1 – Grand Rapids Area.
So my daughter will play every match?
Not necessarily and probably not. There are 12 athletes on every team and only 6 can play at a time. Every effort will be made towards fair play time, especially during tournament pool play for athletes with consistent practice attendance and effort, however by joining Top Gun VBC you are signing on for the opportunity to learn, train and practice. Equal play time is not guaranteed. During the playoffs, coaches may choose to play their most competitive lineup. Lack of attendance at practice (for any reason) poor attitude and/or effort could also negatively affect playtime.
What is the cost?
The cost for the Top Gun SPRING 12U program is $650.00 for new athletes joining in the spring season. This fee covers facility rentals, practice training and tournament instruction, tournament entry fees, coach training, club memberships and coach’s salary, program and administrative expenses, two t-shirts and a jersey. Athletes are also responsible for a current AAU Membership at the cost of an additional $20.00.
When is this payment due?
A minimum of $325.00 is due with registration. Full payment is accepted at any time. All remaining balances are due by April 30, 2025. If an alternate payment plan is necessary, please contact Jen for options. Registration form is available here: 2025TopGun12USpringRegistration
Who will be my daughter’s coach?
We are thrilled to announce that Jayne Williams will once again head up the Top Gun Volleyball 12U program. Jayne was the long-time and most recent Howell Varsity coach and also an elementary PE teacher. There is no a finer person around! Top Gun VBC is a competitive endeavor and our coaches are competitive individuals and although we love to win, Top Gun coaches are first and foremost, teachers. We place a strong emphasis on TEACHING. Our focus is on growth and process above outcome. Coach Makayla and Coach Sam will continue with the spring season, as well.
Can my daughter tryout for an older age group or ‘play up’?
Any movement of an athlete into a different age group will be done solely at the discretion of the Top Gun VBC staff. Requests will not be considered. Because we gather athletes from many different areas and school districts into one team, we are able to create a challenging environment for each age level. Top Gun believes that most athletes gain the greatest growth and advantages participating with their natural age level.
But my daughter can play in another league for much less. Why Top Gun VBC?
Yes, other opportunities are available and I encourage you to look around to find the right program for you and your daughter. Top Gun coaches are teachers first and we place a strong emphasis on TEACHING. Our focus is on growth, enjoyment and process over outcome. All Top Gun coaches have previous experience both coaching and/or playing. They know the game. This makes a difference in teaching young athletes the correct mechanics and skills. Bad habits created at this age are difficult to correct later on. A strong foundation is extremely important in many sports and volleyball is no exception. We recommend Top Gun for those athletes who know they like the sport of volleyball and want to continue to improve their skills and understanding as much as possible.
To register for an AAU Membership:
- Go to www.aauvolleyball.org or www.play.aausports.org
- Click on the link to “Join AAU” (Red) or LOG IN if you have an account.
- Click on “Get a Membership” (Green)
- Select “Youth Athlete Membership” (Green)
- Enter Sport (Volleyball). There is no need for an added benefit membership. All tournaments will be appropriately AAU licensed and sanctioned. Regular membership is fine.
- Choose your desired term – current year ($20.00) or two years ($40.00)
- Select yes to “member of a club” Put DY636X in the Club Code box or select Michigan Top Gun VBC from the drop down menu.
- Enter personal information as requested. Parent email is recommended.
- Enter billing information and opt for view and print. You may also print from the email that the AAU will send you. This AAU ‘card’ with the membership number listed should be sent with your athlete to tryouts as well as entering this number on the registration form.
If you have questions that are not answered here, please contact Jen at [email protected] or call 517-548-0024.